Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cuddley Boy

Noah is our little active baby and is not usually found nestling up to us very often. I treasure the moments that he is just too tiered to hold up his head, and I get to cuddle with him just a little!

1 comment:

Linton Party Adventures said...

It was sooo much fun to have you and Cute Noah over today! We had so much fun with making cookies, necklaces, songs and a gourmet Italiano dinner made by Gens with a little "bubbley" (we missed you Scott!) And the girls were talking none-stop about their necklaces!!! "Holly is the nicest girl ever!" said Kenzie. We will have to see your new place soon!!! P.S. Thanks for the help on starting a blog, hopefully I have things up and running soon ;)
xoxo Annie