Friday, August 31, 2012


This month has been a lot of fun. I decided to start getting out more with the kids while the weather is still nice. We spent a lot of time at the park, went to the river walk, went to the creamery to feed the cows, we went to the bouncy house and more.
We also took a last minute trip to Rahoboth Beach.
Daniel saw this sucker through a window and went crazy
He ate it like a corn on the cob
Maya loves that baby bjiorn. Can you see that my chest matches my shirt?

We went for a walk on the boardwalk in the bike trailor and Noah fell asleep
Noah had so much fun getting buried in the sand over and over. 
Daniel was such a cutie in the waves

Noah mostly just played in the surf

Isn't it just a blast to dig a big whole?!

South Mountain Creamery
We spent the afternoon at the creamery. If you go at the right time, you can feed the calves their bottles, but we missed it because of nap time. We will have to go back. The calves were so friendly and the boys loved seeing them. After seeing the cows, the boys played in the play area and had some fun. It was sooo hot so we had to cool off with some delicious ice cream. Daniel finished off everyone's left overs. 

What a little cutie! She just loves that baby carrier

Daniel diggin the icecream


Noah stays up way to late if he takes a nap in the day, so we have cut out his afternoon nap. Sometimes he can't help himself and will sleep in lots of different positions.

Noah went to the dentist for the first time. He went with me once and sat on the floor. That was probably not a good idea since he saw all the pokey tools. When he walked in today, he saw the chair and turned right around to leave. He was nervous, but did a good job, and was very excited about his new toothbrush and toy.
Noah says WEEE HAAAAW, (instead of Yee Haw).
Noah has started saying, "What the Heck?" from Toys story.
Noah loves to vacuum, and anytime I start to do it, he says, "That's my job!"

Noah WILL NOT be potty trained. I am still trying to figure out that one. Everyone says not to push them, but I wonder how long before he will show interest. Daniel is happy to sit on the toilet anytime we stick him on it, and I am starting to wonder who will learn first. Noah does go standing up like dad when he feel like it, but he would much rather go in his diaper.

At the Dentist discovering his new toothbrush and toy

Daniel is our little tank. He loves to wrestle and doesn't make a big fuss if he falls down or gets hurt.

 He still LOVES the water and had so much fun at the beach. His sleep patterns got a bit mixed up on vacation since we helped him to fall asleep since he was out of his normal enviroment, and he has been giving up a very hard time ever since. Hopefully he will start having good nights again soon. I know that Scott would like that since he is taking on the boys in the night if they wake up.

Daniel can give a high five, he puckers up for kisses, he likes to help clean up toys and can climb into his car seat by himself. He is holding out on saying any words yet. He is our big sweetheart.
He loves Maya and is very gentle with her.
Daniel LOVES candy. We bought him a big sucker while on vacation and he ate it like a corn on the cob once we took off all the wrapper.
I gave Daniel a mohak halfway through the month, but already have cut it back to normal to get ready for some family photos in the next month or so.
I need more photos of Daniel! He is sooooo hard to photograph at this age being a busy toddler!
Daniel getting stuck in his highchair


Maya is doing great! She sleeps a lot and is usually happy when she is awake. She likes to be with mom more than anything, but is starting to enjoy getting held by dad too. Amazingly she was pretty happy in the arms of Aunt Emily when she was here. Maya is in my arms most of the day when she is awake, and in her swing when she is sleeping. At night she sleeps with me, but that probably won't last for much longer since I wake up with every little squeek and am starting to get pretty tiered. Aunt Emily came to meet Maya. I am sad that I did not get one picture of them together! Maya is a smiley baby and espesially like it when I sing, " You are my Sunshine" to her.
Maya has gotten really easy to take out and about since she is VERY happy if she is in her baby bjorn. I wish she would do the Ergo Baby Carrier since that is my favorite, but she hates it. Maybe later.
Maya would not take a pacifier, but is always trying to get her thumb in her mouth. She has succeeded a couple of times, but then doesnt really suck on it.

Thanks for making me a beautiful dress Grandma Bell! It fits perfect!
This has to be my favorite photo of the month
Almost got it!

Look at that head control!

Smiley girl

I love those full lips

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