Tuesday, October 2, 2012


This month 
some pictures are in the wrong spot...I will fix it soon.
My momma was here and it was great to get to spend time with her. We went over to my Aunt Lynn's  and so did my cousin Annie with her kids, and we had a lot of fun. The boys swam around in their pool in the backyard.

The fair came to Frederick! I have been looking forward to this for months so I was really excited to take the kids. We went once all together, and saw the animals and went on some rides, and then Scott took the boys back to go on more rides another day. The kids had so much fun. They loved the rides. Noah was excited to see the mom cow have her babies. Daniel loved all the animals. Noah went on a car ride that was just a little too fast, but he was very brave and finished the ride. Noah's favorite ride was the ferris wheel and the helicopter.

My cousin Annie and I decided to get together once a week to let the kids hang out. Last week we went to the zoo. Unfortunatly they were doing a fundraiser that day and had closed off half of the zoo to the public. We still got to see a few animals though and the kids had fun running around together.

I chopped off all my hair! I haven't had it short in ages. I am having fun having it short and am liking that it is so easy to straighten it to change things up a bit. I had enough to donate which is cool.

We have been continuing to get out and do things in the day including going to the park, the bouncy house in the mall, South Mountain cremery, along with Annies and the zoo. It is a great stage to get out and do things since Daniel is only taking one nap a day and Maya can still sleep anywhere.

Scott and I had our 7th anneversary!  We started out on a bycle cab ride around the park. we ended by the historic red covered bridge at Baker park and had a bbq dinner which we had set up under a willow tree by the bridge. Maya was with us. It was a great anneversary.

Noah started Joy school! Two days a week Noah has joy school with a couple friends from church.  Each of us moms take a turn teaching from the curiculum at our house.  Noah has had lots of fun doing crafts and learning about the body which is the topic for the month. My friend Angela who has had them the pat couple weeks says that he gets the award for the most improved this month, since he is learning how to stay with the group instead of wandering off and playing which has been a challenge for all the boys in the Joy School.
Noah learned the word "bored" recently and has started using it. The other night I was feeding Maya and I could hear dad reading to Noah while he was tucking him in. Noah interrupted him and said, "I'm getting bored." Scott said," oh, I can read faster." He also said he was bored this morning when we were driving in car.
Noah is also learning about space, since I have told him that babies need space, when Maya starts to get anxious with both of the boys in her face. He is always telling Daniel that he needs space.
 Noah is still crazy about Maya and is very nurturing and caring with her.
Daniel and Noah are playing more and more together as Daniel is getting older. They love to wrestle and to run around the house.

Daniel has grown a lot this month. He has started pointing, saying Mama and Dadda, and Go! and has started mimicing us and following directions more.He tries to say cookie, but just says, kuuuu, kuuu, kuuuu... Daniel loves to snuggle Maya and will cover her with her blanket when she is crying. He is very gentle and sweet with her. On the other hand, he is starting to try to hit Noah when they are fighting over a toy. It is a sweetheart though and will hug and kiss Noah as soon as we ask him to say sorry.
Daniel is doing a great job of sleeping through the night. For naps and bedtime all you have to do is lay him in his bed with a sippy cup or bottle of water, and he will go right to sleep. He is not quite yet ready to sleep in a big boy bed, but we have it all set up in his room for him when he is ready.

He is also our big eater, although he doesn't eat fruit besides bananas, and won't eat veggies either. Hopefully that will improve.

Daniel is great at playing by himself and likes to play with action figures. He also loves to sit and play with the car garage that we have and loves the matchbox cars.

Maya is such a joy to have in our family!

 She loves it when we sing you are my sunshine to her. It is so funny. From the first time I sang it to her, she will stop crying and smile. If we sing anything else, she starts crying again. Noah will sing to her from his car seat since Maya hates riding in the car and often cries for the whole ride.

She is still eating and sleeping great. I give her a bath and lay down with her around 8pm. We usually take a bath together and I will let her float and kick around in the water which she really enjoys. I feed her, and I often will just stay in bed with her and go to sleep early.  She wakes up around 7 or 8 and still eats about twice in the night.

Maya is a joy to be with all day. She has a mild temperament and is always very content. She loves to be held and is now used to being in the Ergo baby carrier. I have her in it for a large portion of the day now.
Maya started laughing this month and has recently gotten very talkative. 

When Maya does her tummy time she is like a little inch worm. She will bury her head down and scrunch up her legs with her bum in the air, and then she will stretch out her legs and arch her back and push her upper body up with her arms, and she looks just like an inch worm. She actually is able to scoot forward as she does it.

I am loving spending every moment with her and wish that I could freeze time. I can't believe she is 4 months old!!!

1 comment:

camilot said...

Love your monthly posts. Love your hair. Maya is so big. I remember when she was teeny and looked like a doll and Sydney didn't want to leave her.