Friday, November 9, 2012


It has been another good month at the Kristiansen household. Here is some of what has been going on!

I have a trillion pictures on my NEW iPHONE but have to figure out how to transfer them, so staiy posted for photos. I wanted to get something up for now since I am already behind due to my awesome trip to New York! You will have to wait until my next post to hear about that though!

Food Allergies
I had all of the kids treated for food allergies using the Bioset natural food allergy elimination technique. Noah was sensitive to dairy, calcium and sugar. Daniel was sensitive to sugar, nuts, broccoli, and food additives, Maya was sensitive to Potatoes, tomatoes, sulfates, dried beans, and broccoli  They are all finished with the treatment and I am going to keep and eye on them and see how they are doing. Noah is already doing much better and is eating so much better than he used to.


We had a fun Halloween this year. We went to the pumpkin patch and had a lot of fun together. We had the ward trunk or treat, and then the kids went trick or treating on Halloween. Noah and Dad were pirates, Daniel was a Raccoon and May and I were Bees.

Hurricane Sandy
We were pretty much prepared for the Hurricane  and were supposed to be right in the center of it, but luckily it turned and we were not effected very much from it. We kept our power. We did have about 5 trees down in the park behind our house, and Scott had to dig a big trench in our backyard to avoid flooding in our basement, but besides that we were unaffected  We had friends that were out of power for long periods of time which got us thinking about emergency preparedness and was a good eye opener for us.

Photos Shoot
One of my friends offered to do family photos. Unfortunately Scott had to work on the Saturday we had planned. It was still great to get shots of the kids and she did a great job. Daniel is super hard to photograph  and never smiles or looks at the camera. Noah is a charmer and is constantly posing just for the camera. It was almost impossible to get a shot of them all together.

Scott's phone broke. He went in to replace it and came back with a free iphone for me!!! Ahhhhhh! I love it! I have never really had a nice phone, but I am having so much fun having a good camera on me all the time, I love it!

Noah loves Joyschool. He is learning so much and has fun playing with his friends Elija and Brice. Noah is such my big helper. He loves to please me and loves to help me around the house. Noah is feeling a lot better since being treated for his allergies to dairy and sugar and is eating so much better. He loves showing me his empty plate. I taught Noah to put his sippy cup or bottles in the sink when he is done, and he loves get a high fives each time he remembers to do it.

Daniel has developed so much in the past month.We have started watching Signing time videos and he loves them and is getting much better at communicating. He has learned some signs, and has also become very good at pointing and communicating with us when he wants something. He has learned to say No and can also say cookie, which really just means he wants something to eat....although he likes cookies too!

Maya is getting so big! She can roll both ways like a champ now. She loves to be sitting up and can almost do it on her own. She is happy as can be in her baby carrier and would like to be in it all day. She is so silly and is crazy about plastic bags. She would rather play with one than anything else, but of course I can't let her. Anytime she sees one she goes crazy trying to grab it. Maya lights up with a huge smile anytime one of her brothers is nearby. She still naps great, but is starting to wake up in the night for extra feedings at times.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Love it! Thanks for the update. I am getting an iPhone in January and can't wait!