Sunday, March 7, 2010

New Habbits

So I normally rock Noah to sleep but it creates problems sometimes because sometimes when we put him in his bed he will spring back up and start crying if I don't hold him again. We have even spent an hour and a half at times going back and forth holding him everytime he wakes up.

Also he wakes up more and more in the night to be held. I have been meaning to work on it, but hate to see him cry. Last night when I went in to hold him he was WIDE awake, so I held him for a couple of seconds standing by his bed and said, "go back to sleep, Mommy loves you!" I put him in bed and left and sure enough he actually went to sleep! He woke up every hour(which is pretty normal lately), but I did the same thing, and he went to back to sleep on his own every time! In the day time for naps it was a little harder. He cried a little for his first nap, but I have stopped rocking him to sleep and just hold him to eat and then put him in bed awake. Tonight he was wide awake again and I just put him in bed and he didn't cry at all! It would be great if this leads to him sleeping longer in the night. I would love it if he could just wake up once, or even not at all. I was so encouraged seeing how easily he went to sleep on his own that I am going to try to stick to it for awhile.

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