Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Surprise

Born December 24th at 11:34am
weight 7 lbs `3 ounces
21 inches

Scott and I have adopted a beautiful baby boy! We were first contacted by an expectant mother December 8th. She was due January 17th and lived in MD. We exchange a few emails. We planed to meet each other and then we did not hear from her for a week. We were starting to lose hope, but then she finally wrote and said that her home internet was down. We didn't hear from her fro another week, and began to lose hope again, but her email was great and she was still interested in us. We wrote her back, but still hadn't heard from her 3 days later.
December 24th at 2:30 in the morning my cell phone rang. I looked at my phone and new that it was her. She was in labor and at a hospital 20 minutes from our house.
I woke up Scott and we started getting ready in a hurry. I knocked on my neighbors door and she said she would be happy to come sleep on our couch to watch Noah.
We arrived at the hospital by 3:00am
Our birthmom was 6 cm dilated. She was having contractions and in a lot of pain. She had planned on having a natural birth. The nurse came in and said that the anasisiologist had a busy scedule, so he was available now, or the next time was in 2 hours. She decided to get the epidural. The Dr. had a very hard time getting it in and it took about 10 minutes. At one point she asked me to stand up and hold her arm. I looked at the needle sticking out of her back, and the blood and I could feel myself starting to faint. I turned around and told Scott to take my place by Angela. He saw that I was stark white and helped me to the chair. I felt like a wimp.
By this time she was dilated to 8cm. She stayed at that point for a while. The birth father came so Scott and I went to the cafeteria to give them some time alone. When we came back up the social worker wanted to talk to us outside Angela's door. Just then a nurse came out and said that she was ready to push! We were so excited.

We went in and things were very calm. It was just one nurse, Angela, the birth father, Scott and I. She pushed for a half hour. We were all there to see Daniel as he was born. Angela held him right away, and then the nurses did a few things to get him ready. It was pretty quick and then we all got to hold him again. We all spent plenty of time with Daniel through out the day, and Angela had friends and family coming in and out to see him. Angela brought him to my room(the hospital gave us a room just down the hall) around 9 and I got to spend the night with him.

I decided to do adoptive breastfeeding again. I have been able to feed him with the supplementer each time he has eaten. It has been a great experience to be able to breastfeed him.

So far everything is going great. We love his birth parent, he is very healthy, and we are very happy! So far, this has been the best adoption experience that I can imagine.

I hope that everyone is having a Merry Christmas!


Tracking the Wolfes said...

Hooray Kristiansen Family. We are SOOOO excited for you. Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Unbelieveable! That is just incredible what a blessing! I am so happy for your family!

J, E, M & I said...

You guys are wonderful!! We are so thrilled for your family. He is such a beautiful baby!!