Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bed Update

So I thought I would finally update you on what happened the night that Noah slept in his toddler bed. Just to remind you, I set up a toddler bed in Noah's room, just for fun because I had put a lot of effort into sanding and painting it, and wanted to see it put together. I figured he could play on it and read books on it in the mean time to get used to it until he was ready to sleep in it. He wanted to sleep in it the night we finished setting it up, so I let him, but was on guard all night.I should mention that the bed is at ground level, so I wasnt worried about him just off of the mattress. When I heard a little crying in the night, I sprung out of bed and ran into the hall, but he stopped right away, so I just went back to bed without checking on him. Later, he started crying agian, so I ran into his room in a hurry, but he wasnt there on his bed...he was under the crib. He must of rolled off the bed earlier that night, and then rolled around the room in his sleep until he was under the crib. When he woke up, he got onto his knees, but then was confused because he couldn't get back out from under without crouching down to get under the railing. I put him back into his crib, and I think we will keep it like that for a while.

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